Celebrity Tim Gunn said it this way, “Few activities are as delightful as learning a new language.” And it’s true! Being able to speak even the most basic words…colors, days of the week, numbers… in a language other than our heritage language, whatever that may be, brings a smile and sense of pride to us all.
From an academic point of view, vocabulary:
o Gives us a window into our students’ knowledge of word meanings.
o Is essential for them to express themselves fluently.
o Allows them to comprehend what's being spoken and read.
At the same time, English learners ( and native English speakers, too, might I add!) often recognize more words than they’re able use in conversation or in their writing. English learners, in particular, tend to have a greater capacity for receptive vocabulary than for expressive vocabulary. That information, coupled with vocabulary playing an integral role in the Science of Reading framework, reminds us that incorporating deliberate & meaningful vocabulary instruction is key. So, how do we effectively deliver good vocabulary instruction and unleash our English learners’ full potential? With GrapeSEED, it’s a cinch!
It all begins with deliberate vocabulary instruction, including word meaning, pronunciation, and connection with other words. The GrapeSEED curriculum offers a clear and methodical approach to teaching new vocabulary using clear, vibrant vocabulary picture cards that are introduced and then carefully woven into the context of themed songs, stories, action activities and more, keeping English learners engaged and motivated. This interwoven content design guarantees that your students will continually be reinforcing their accumulation of vocabulary. You might be asking yourself, ‘how does GrapeSEED know what kind of vocabulary to include in daily lessons?’ Rest assured that GrapeSEED’s
Curriculum & Development team has drawn from the most reputable vocabularies and age-related word lists for children and has built in review for deeper consolidation of learning.
By equipping our students with a solid vocabulary foundation, we give them the tools to become competent communicators and to build the bridge to reading and writing. By following a spiral curriculum specifically designed for English language learners, students encounter vocabulary, language functions, and language notions that are used with increasing complexity while reinforcing previous learning. By efficiently and effectively consolidating new learning in this way, students can achieve maximum learning outcomes in minimum time!
So, look no further…we are ready to partner with you! Contact us today !
6425 Living Place
Suite 200 #1021
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Tel: 800-449-8841
Email: contact.us@grapeseed.com