GrapeSEED lessons are always teacher led, typically in small groups but also in large groups and even virtually, but no matter what the situation, the teacher always guides the instruction. Teachers play a pivotal role in educating, inspiring, and providing corrective feedback for students. Technology is used by teachers and students to enhance instruction, not replace it.
Every lesson is designed with students’ language acquisition as the central goal. Teachers interact directly with students utilizing the gradual release of responsibility to move students from teacher-modeling and student-listening to teacher-listening and student- speaking. Students are motivated to acquire language as they engage with their teachers and their peers. Lessons include multiple modes of instruction –visual, kinesthetic, social, verbal, and aural and joy-filled opportunities for language acquisition.
As far as oral language development programs go, GrapeSEED is the best I have experienced in my 22 years teaching in the U.S. public schools. I use GrapeSEED with my beginner and intermediate multilingual kindergarten and first grade students. They are engaged throughout each lesson with movement, songs, stories, poems, and chants that are infused with the target vocabulary and language patterns for each unit. The subsequent unit builds on the prior unit creating continued complexity with just the right balance of comprehensible input and challenge.
Brooke Mindnich
Eatontown, NJ
6425 Living Place
Suite 200 #1021
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Tel: 800-449-8841