In Goshen, Indiana, GrapeSEED is being successfully implemented in seven different schools across the Goshen Community Schools District. The program is used with children as young as Kindergarten all the way through the fifth grade! Whether using the push-in or pull-out approach in EL groups, or self-contained EL and general education classrooms, GrapeSEED is making a powerful impact. 

Hear how GrapeSEED is making a difference in not only the children’s lives, but in the lives of the teachers, too!

Mrs. Estrada’s at West Goshen Elementary

“I believe that GrapeSEED has better met the needs of my EL Students. This is a curriculum that is engaging and age appropriate for kindergarten which is hard to find.”

Ms. Yost at Waterford Elementary

“Before GrapeSEED, I was always pulling materials out of thin air and never feeling confident that they were as effective as I wanted them to be. It feels so good to have a curriculum that is full of fun and engaging materials. The progressions that I’ve seen in my students is phenomenal.”

Mr. Rhodes at Chandler Elementary

“I was astounded at how you have everything you need. You have all these engaging songs and poems and stories. All the kids want to come to the GrapeSEED lessons. They’re all engaged. They come back singing the songs and poems from memory because it’s fun.”

A Principal’s Take on GrapeSEED

Berrien Springs Schools in Berrien Springs, Michigan serves students from over 30 different countries, each with their own unique culture and language. In this district, Mars Elementary School successfully implemented GrapeSEED, making it the firm foundation that allows their children to acquire English faster!

Darla Campbell, former Berrien Schools County Principal and Executive Board Member of MEMSPA, was thrilled with the
positive results that she has seen with GrapeSEED!​

“One thing that was loud and clear right away is that the children that were exposed to GrapeSEED achieved at much higher levels than children who were not…Everything comes back that GrapeSEED is making a huge difference in children’s ability to be literate.”

 - Darla Cambell, former Berrien Schools County Principal and Executive Board Member of MEMSPA

A woman wearing glasses and earrings is in a circle.

Kids are doing very well in learning English. I have one that came in August speaking no English and now that is all he wants to speak. I heard him using the “Yes I am” chant at lunch with the food on his tray.

Martha Sanderson

Westside Elementary School

An ELL student in my Kindergarten classroom refused to speak since the first day. He went sixty six days before I was able to hear his voice for the very first time. I had no idea what he was comprehending. Until we downloaded GrapeSEED on his Ipads along with a small group of students in November. After three months on GrapeSEED and the 66th day of kindergarten, my student spoke! His first words were “I love GrapeSEED!” Not only did he speak to me for the first time but his progress monitoring went through the roof. He went from Tier 3 with 0 letter sounds to Tier 1 with 21/26 correct letter sounds! I had tears as this child had been soaking in all the material throughout the school year like a sponge. GrapeSEED has made such a great foundation of learning for my students.

Melinda M. Westbrook, A.S., B.A., M.A
Kindergarten Teacher

Buckeye Elementary, Salem City Schools, Salem, Ohio 

A woman is smiling in a circle and wearing a necklace.

A woman is holding a stuffed duck in a circle.

Before GrapeSEED, life as an ELL educator was hard. My colleague and I struggled to provide the Pre-K, kindergarten, and first grade students with a curriculum that could support and boost their English acquisition. Since receiving the GrapeSEED training and materials, our students have grown considerably. We have been able to provide research-based instruction that has enabled us to give repetitive opportunities for movement, songs, chants, poems, and stories. Thank you, GrapeSEED, for helping ease the load and make educators feel and look like rock stars!

Julie Bungard

East Lansing Public Schools

GrapeSEED helps the students learn English the natural way they learn their native language. It enables them to develop and improve their oral language, reading fluency and their writing skills. Students learn the language in a safe and fun environment while dancing and singing. They are engaged and motivated every single day by this rich program.

Manal Shaktour

Melvindale Northern Allen Park Public School

A group of children are sitting on the floor reading books.

Just wanted to share some happy news for a change… Recently, while on patrol during morning bus duty, a little girl named Thania from the 3rd grade hi-intensity ESL classroom got off her bus and ran up to me to thank me for getting the GrapeSEED program. She said she loves it. My own classroom observations as well as feedback from teachers and the other students I’ve talked to also confirm this. Both teachers and students enjoy the program and the teachers feel it is filling gaps in language acquisition patterns. We hope to see growth in literacy among our ELLs after having implemented the program over a longer period of time.

Tom Fischer

Hammonton Public Schools

I love that GrapeSEED incorporates the four domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. GrapeSEED is a fun and engaging way for students to acquire the English language.

Emilee Johnson

East Allen County Schools

A group of children are sitting on the floor reading books.

A woman in a blue shirt is smiling in front of a black background

Everyday my ESL students are excited to learn English with GrapeSEED. The students love the catchy songs, poems, and transitions that are incorporated at just the right time. One of this year's greatest success stories was a girl from Guatemala that spoke the Mayan language Q’eqchi, she came into school and asked her teacher ``How are you today?”. This came directly from one of GrapeSEED's songs that we sing. My students are feeling very successful, and the classroom teachers are noticing a big difference in their students' oral language, reading skills, and confidence in the classroom. This has been the best language program I have ever used.

Adrienne McDonald

East Windsor

I love GrapeSEED! GrapeSEED is such a fun and engaging way to start my day with students. I love doing the program as opposed to "traditional seatwork" to incorporate letter sounds, sight words, 1:1 correspondence when reading, and other foundational literacy skills.

Carmen Heim

Dixon Public Schools

A woman in a blue shirt is smiling in front of a black background

A woman in a striped shirt is smiling for the camera.

I have been a teacher of GrapeSEED for many years. I teach at a school where half of our population is EL. This program with its themes and vocabulary has really helped my EL students. I hear them using some of the phrases in the hallways and classrooms. We have many newcomers and this is such a great way to get them started. I am someone who loves doing themes so this fits right in with my style of teaching. I have been able to expand on some of the activities and it was surprising and nice to see the students able to use language in a different way. I am a true supporter of GrapeSEED!!! 

Lori Wilken

Southwick Elementary School

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