When it comes to fluency, Harvard’s Maryanne Wolf said it best:
‘Fluency is the developmental process that connects decoding with everything we know about words to make the meaning of the text come to life. Fluency is a wonderful bridge to comprehension and to a life-long love of reading. Great is our admiration of the orator who speaks with fluency and discretion.’
Teaching young students to read is a vital part of their growth and development, while teaching them to read fluently makes an even stronger impact. Reading fluency means being able to read quickly, accurately, and with expression. Teaching our students to do this well, as encouraged by the Science of Reading framework, boosts student comprehension and knowledge retention, while also increasing overall reading enjoyment. Although GrapeSEED is not a reading curriculum per se, as an English oral language acquisition curriculum that helps build the bridge to reading and writing, GrapeSEED helps teachers make this goal super attainable for their kids!
Not only do GrapeSEED teachers engage their students in language rich and vibrantly illustrated stories, action activities and chants, GrapeSEED teachers also model using fluent and expressive reading through our shared reading big books and shared reading poems. These components are woven into each and every daily lesson, allowing students to hear correct pronunciation, phrasing, pacing, and intonation in real-time. Fun fact: our shared reading big books are put to a catchy tune! Brain research shows that music and tunes do incredible things in the brain, one of those things being improving reading fluency.
On top of their daily teacher-led lessons, GrapeSEED students have access to ‘Repeated Exposure and Practice’, also known as REP, in their Student App. Here, children have the opportunity to engage in all of the teaching materials outside of their daily lesson, giving them time to soak in the language again and again.
When you choose GrapeSEED, you are giving your students so much more than word recognition or the foundation for reading readiness. Rather, you are providing your students with a dynamic language environment that builds their oral language confidence and inspires them to want to read well ! So why not get started today? Just click here !
6425 Living Place
Suite 200 #1021
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Tel: 800-449-8841
Email: contact.us@grapeseed.com