GrapeSEED was honored to work with so many amazing and inspiring educators and students in 2016! Thank you to all of the schools partnering with us to help so many young learners grow in oral language and literacy development. We look forward to continuing these collaborations and to providing all of our partner schools and educators with high-quality, meaningful instruction and support in 2017.
Cassopolis Public Schools Logo
Please click here to see other customers.
“The teacher saw her student’s GRADE test scores improve. Additionally, not one student was considered at risk on the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) following the 2015-2016 end-of-year assessment. All students had significant growth. GrapeSEED is the only thing different in that class from the previous year.”
Stacey J. Miller
Director of Special Education and Pupil Services,
Southern Huntingdon County School District, PA
Click here to learn more about student success with GrapeSEED in Southern Huntingdon County School District.
“I’ve been teaching preschool for 4 years now and I’ve never been more passionate about one particular curriculum. GrapeSEED has enhanced my classroom from the start and I look forward to teaching with it for years to come!”
Katie Danks
GSRP Lead Teacher,
Bridgeport-Spaulding Community Schools, MI
Click here to read Katie’s full testimonial.
“The GrapeSEED program is just great. It uses easy language and the examples in the books are very practical: the most frequent words are used in the perfect way, and the DVDs and CDs are lovely to see and hear. It created the English brain zone, if I can say so, to my daughter, so she was thinking in English and correcting us and making lovely sentences, which helped her better transmit her feelings as well.”
Vjollca Simoni
Mother of GrapeSEED Student
Click here to read Vjollca’s full testimonial and discover more parent testimonials.
When asked for her favorite things to do, this second grade “Parker Leader of the Month” from Robbie Hall Parker Elementary in Clintondale Community Schools listed McDonald’s, Recess, and GrapeSEED!
Aidyn’s favorite part of GrapeSEED is reading the poems because he can read them all by himself!
Click here to read more on student success with GrapeSEED.
If you’d like to learn more about how GrapeSEED can help your young learners improve literacy development and close the achievement gap in language in 2017, contact us!
6425 Living Place
Suite 200 #1021
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Tel: 800-449-8841