School districts all over the country are coming up with some really creative ways to keep children reading and learning all summer long in order
to help prevent the summer slide.
For the first time ever, Grand Forks Public Schools in North Dakota is bringing the library to its students this summer on the Little Red Reading Bus. In alignment with its RED (Read Every Day) program, this little bus is bringing books to scheduled stops throughout the summer months to help increase reading achievement and to promote a lifelong love of reading.
Zeeland Public Schools in Michigan also runs a reading bus during the summer called the Zee Bus. In addition, students can also go to one of the district’s “Just Right Libraries” on Wednesdays from 4:30-6:00PM to check out books. All of this is part of their action-packed “Summer Stretch” program. Students can download a brochure, filled with resources as well as activities and tools, that they can bring with them to the Zee Bus, Just Right Library or Zeelmania, a local healthy-living street fair, to participate in the fun.
In North Carolina,
Rowan-Salisbury Schools has partnered with the Rowan Public Library for the first time this summer to nourish students’ bodies and brains. The Rowan-Salisbury School System provides breakfast and lunch to students in local programs via food trucks while the library’s bookmobile follows, providing books for checking out and allowing students to participate in library programs. The school system also participates in the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s “Give Five – Read Five” program that allows students to take home five books, donated by the community, at the end of the school year to encourage summer reading.
Several schools are also using GrapeSEED as part of their summer program. For example, School City of Hammond in Indiana is using GrapeSEED as part of the ‘Summer Bootcamp’ for its Language Development Program students and parents.
GrapeSEED’s songs, chants, poems, big books and action activities keep the students moving forward with their language and literacy development over the summer so they are prepared for the coming school year. Plus, the children have so much fun with GrapeSEED, they don’t even know they are learning!
Congratulations to these and all of the school districts that have worked so hard to keep their students on track for reading and learning success! Keep up the fantastic work!
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